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Old 08-13-2018, 12:24 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Tacoma, WA
Posts: 225
Default Desyncronization When Trying to Put on Gear of Higher Level

Found something interesting. When trying to use a "Polished Mask of the Silverwing" on a level 50 Beastlord, I get these messages on the client:

You are not sufficient level to use this item.
Inventory Desyncronization dected: Resending Slot Data...
Duplicate Lore Item deleted.
Source slot 30 resyncronized.
Source slot 3 resyncronized.

Client is Underfoot, default UI.
Server is Linux created with Akka's linux script.

I have camped out all characters, shutdown the server. Then restarted the server and loaded the characters again. The mask showed up at the cursor. I put it in inventory and camped out, then loaded again. Still occurs with same message. I then did the same camp out and reload character, then delete the item. I collected the items again and made the mask. The same error messages were generated when trying to put the mask on again.

The item is lvl 55 Required. That means the first message about not being sufficient level is good, but why are these resync messages occurring?

As a test, I loaded the GM test character and set his level to 55. He can put on the mask and it works normally. When I took off the mask, dropped his level down to 50, and tried to put on the mask again, the same messages show up including the desyncronization messages.

Why is trying to put on a piece of gear that is too high a level, causing desyncronization?
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