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Old 09-12-2018, 06:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 59

I rather despise C++, but porting over this codebase fails the cost/benefit threshold by a huge margin.

Lets say that the code is ported over to some other language: then you have to maintain two codebases and implement features twice, otherwise you end up with one repo up-to-date and the other missing features, and people will use the one that is maintained. If both are maintained, then server owners will choose the faster one-- unless it's a highly custom server perhaps.

The choice of C# over C++ when starting new projects would be to reduce development time at the cost of some performance. At this stage, I think EQEmu is long past the point where any development time reductions from future additions outweigh the cost of porting over everything, retesting it all, and becoming familiar with a new codebase/language for those not familiar with C#.

Servers on a phone don't seem particularly useful to me, either.
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