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Old 01-04-2019, 10:09 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by phate8908 View Post

to store the counter

for the +bane damage... augment and set its scale?
The buckets thing looks very promising. I have to ask though because I am so very new to all of this, is that something already built in to the EQemu server, and I can just access it in some lua file, or do I need to pull that code down and somehow implement it?

From the examples I saw on the buckets page, it looked like "sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE" would be the perfect place to add in code for tracking mob type kill counters. Again, super new, so I'm assuming this EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE is in a text (possibly LUA) file somewhere on the server that I can modify. If so, I'd likely set it up to give a /say after each kill to tell the user how many of that monster type they have killed, and as they hit a set threshold for that monster type, award them an item (example. weapon aug).

It would have been nice if their running totals could have been shown in the achievements system, but I can get around that with an NPC that they can talk to in order to see their running totals.

Actually... now that I think about it, I could create an AA for the various threshold levels I want to award the user, and assign them the AA as they meet that kill total.

I wonder if it's possible to have an AA that passively gives +DMG on auto attacks for monster type. If so, a way to implement an earned bane damage system would be to award AAs that give that +DMG to monster type which would simulate adding bane damage for killing x number of monster type.

So many ideas... Thanks for the help!
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