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Old 03-19-2019, 11:53 AM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,107

Originally Posted by kokey98 View Post
just a pleasant personality as always. maze, i bet you scare off people that would normally be willing to contribute to the community. i wouldn't work with you on a team, that's for sure.

he should know about fickleness of servers. his dropout faster than a prom dress. i learned a long time ago to avoid, since it would just be trashed in a matter of months. you can probably find the thread where someone jokes about it and explains that "i should have known." in not so many words by someone else.
Never said mine actually last like most on the "Green Preferred list".

But when they are up, they're quality.

I get tired of dealing with self-entitled shitbags like you, who cry 24/7.

Try running a successful server with more than 5 people and you'll understand the amount of burnout that comes from dealing with morons on a 20 year old elf sim.
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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