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Old 05-24-2019, 01:00 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: MA
Posts: 1,164

Originally Posted by Huppy View Post
Ya, I know, sorry, I was being sarcastic. If that pet tiger is functioning properly on the PEQ, I would be totally stumped of the issue being specific to my end. That pic I posted is a screen shot from a fresh DB this last Monday.(from the daily dump). But in all the installs I have done over the years, all I have ever seen was that inanimate tiger pet until I altered that source. It would be nice to know if others are seeing have been seeing the same thing for just as long, or maybe something in my globalload ? I see that on all my client versions (TIT, UF, RoF2).
Maybe I'll log on to the PEQ in a day or so, and roll up a beastie and see if I get the same thing.
You probably deleted the model from globalload.
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