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Old 08-04-2019, 03:17 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ohio
Posts: 69

Originally Posted by Huppy View Post
Not sure why your cast times are showing 0.1, maybe something is bugged in your database, or otherwise. Try these steps and see what happens.
First - Look in your server folder and see if there is two folders named Export and Import. If not, create them.
Second - In your server folder, you should see an executable file called export_client_files.exe Run that file, and it will generate 4 files, automatically placing them in the Export folder. Then copy those over to your RoF2 client. The basedata and skillcaps go into your RoF2/Resources folder (replacing old ones). The other two, spell files go in your RoF2 main folder. Just to clarify (some do not know this), those 4 files are generated from 4 tables in your database. It's meant for them to match the client data with the server data. (BaseData.txt, dbstr_us.txt, SkillCaps.txt and spells_us.txt) Assuming that a downloaded RoF2 client matches them already would not be advisable.
Then if you still have the same issues, something in your database may be bugged.
Edit: That mostly fixed it. Thank you very much. Spell effects went away after I did that fix, but then I found another thread that said to delete all spells with an ID above 45,000 and then I repeated the instructions you gave and now everything is working 100%.
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