Did you ever get it working Seungkyu?
I am having an identical issue. I am on the same computer I set the server up on. I believe my issue is SQL related though. Through the various guides and threads I discovered while utilizing HeidiSQL that I do not have tblLoginServerAccounts nor the other tbl entry that one of the threads had shown (I cant seem to find that thread atm)
I believe this is likely my issue:
" [Error] Mysql query failed: SELECT LoginServerID, AccountPassword FROM tblLoginServerAccounts WHERE AccountName = 'myaccountname'
[Error] Mysql query failed: INSERT INTO tblLoginServerAccounts (AccountName, AccountPassword, AccountEmail, LastLoginDate, LastIPAddress) VALUES('myaccountname', '5fa3e95acc9600e2514741f80adba6b6a13b12e2', 'local_creation', NOW(), '');
[Error] Error logging in, user myaccountname does not exist in the database.
I do not have any idea how to create the tblLoginServerAccount database.
Anyone have any ideas on how I can add this?
I did just discover another thread that may help. I am going to follow it to see if I can atleast see/join my own server on my own pc.
I hope it helps someone. I'll follow up when I've tried it all.