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Old 10-03-2019, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by DreadDev View Post
I definitely agree with adding in a category for the servers that have been a staple in the community (Legacy) to help clear out the preferred list.

That brings up another problem actually clearing out the preferred list and setting criteria that are ACTUALLY representative of how well the server is doing.

This sends the message to me set up a server log in 20 - 30 boxes let it set for 3 - 6 months and you get yourself a green server name!

Before I continue I apologize to Profusion for using you as an example it is just kind of glaring and needs to be addressed:

There is a server up there at the moment that seems to have figured this out.
Crazy how you can filter it by zone and see that there are a TON of level 1's in Nexus and PoK with generic names who have not and will not move.

There either needs to be a different metric for gauging server success other than players online or it needs to be adjusted to account for IP Limit.

20 - 30 Players online is a great standard if the IP Limit is set to 1. But does that mean if servers have an IP Limit of 2 the players online should change to 40 - 60 Players online? And what would happen if there is no IP Limit; would those servers just be disqualified from green status?

I think the only real answer here is to change the metric, lets create a poll once every quarter with the choice of the 4 most populated "white" list servers (by Avg.) for the past 3 months and allow the community to vote on who gets the green tag that quarter.

This paired with doing a clean sweep of inactive/dead green servers I think will move this issue in the right direction. These are just my thoughts though... What do you guys think?
Not naming names, but there are a lot of servers with AFK/stay-logged-in-forever rewards.
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