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Old 10-26-2019, 05:40 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 4
Default Windows Installation Script Issue(s)...

So, I used the script approximately a year ago and worked great. Now, not so much.

Let me set the landscape:
Windows 10 LTSC Virtual Machine (2 cores, 4GB of RAM, 75GB SSD - I am running it local on my main machine). I have disabled Windows firewall completely, disabled User Account Control, and made sure that the user account I am using is apart of the Administrator group.

I made a folder in the root of C drive named just like the one in the how-to area of the Windows script.

Shortly after running eqemu_install.bat as admin, first issue occurs:

Shortly after installing Visual Studio Update 4, the script returns an "Access is Denied". I assume it was attempting to delete the file. Sure, why not, let's move on.

Issue 2: Directly after [Info] For EQEmu Server management utilities - run, 'world' is not a recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I'm not real sure why anything is trying to be done with 'world' at this point, as the file doesn't even exist yet in the directory. Moving on...

Issue 3: [Update] Database up to date... After a while of waiting, there was no longer any activity, so I pressed Enter and it closed command prompt. It didn't continue with doing things with the Perl script. Just stopped right there. I will say the only folder inside the main one, at this point, is "updates_staged" and its empty.

I want to be real clear: I'm not being sarcastic or having a crappy attitude about this; I know how I type and talk, and a lot of people seem to think I am being an 'ass' but I'm not. Just laying it straight.

Any help would be appreciated. This is a fresh installation of Windows and the only thing I downloaded was the zip-file from GitHub.

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