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Old 08-18-2020, 02:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 37
Default Getting bots to work without cookbooks

I am just getting started with bots and have no idea how to get them to follow, attack, etc. I have always been TERRIBLE at understanding programming-style "cookbook" lists. For example, the cookbook for creating a bot is listed as:
#bot create [name] [class (id)] [race (id)] [model (male/female)]

It took me forever to realize that the words class and race had to be omitted, and that male/female had to be input as 0 or 1, not the actual word "male" or "female". (And I still don't get why class/race starts at 1 while gender starts at 0, but that's beside the point)

Anyway, I've managed to create a female high elf paladin bot as follows:
#bot create muffy 3 5 1
#bot spawn muffy

but all Muffy does is stand there. How can I get her to follow me, or attack creatures? If someone could give me a specific instruction of the actual command to type in, rather than the cookbook, I'd appreciate it. As an example of what I can understand:

"Click on your main character and type "Muffy, follow""
or "Click on the mob and type "Muffy, attack""

rather than something like: #bot [attack/follow] [mob/char|options], please. Thanks.
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