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Old 10-19-2020, 02:17 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 21

Got it... I may have both problems then...

Neriak Forest is there... because when I went to it from POP i found that I was in Neriak Forest at the book, but I was slightly below the ground. I could look up and see some mobs walking, some falling, and trees etc etc from the bottom looking up.

Misty works fine on my server (client?). Its the one EQEmu has for download. Ill check out the possability of "Missing files" later today... for now not being a programer the one issue is all i can work on at a time lol

Im reading through everyones posts to disable all expansions and try vanilla EQ and see if it still happens. No luck yet with that. Found the post Grumpy made and I am setting the rule_values database table World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings value to true and faulse, and rule_values database table World:ExpansionSettings to various numbers from the tables provided and even the Varriables:Expansins seting to those same values. No luck yet lol

Edit: I checked out West Commons too since you said that was a zone that sometimes gets missing files. Its fine for me. Right now the only blackout zone I have is Neriak Forest.
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