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Old 02-25-2021, 04:11 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Tacoma, WA
Posts: 225
Default Expanding Original PEQ Database?

I commented on something like this several years ago and got slammed pretty hard. I'm expecting much the same this time, but we'll see...

I have looked at several EQ databases, and even created a few test servers. The original PEQ database has been at the same place (mostly done with Omens of War) expansion, but has never gone beyond that. Has there been any kind of effort to try and populate the database up to say, Underfoot, SoD or even The Serpents Spine? Is there a database that has these expansions, including quests, out there?

As a side question, why is PEQ pretty much locked in it's current state, as it has been for at least the last decade (not talking about database changes that are caused by ongoing server mechanics development)? Is there a specific reason, or is this one of those things were it's good enough to use as a baseline, and everyone can expand them from there?
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