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Old 10-15-2021, 04:36 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 19
Default Tanned Split Paw Skin

Posting this here in case this helps anyone else and possibly reporting a bug.

When my character tried to open any of the Tanned Split Paw Skin drops after opening two of them the client would crash. I found this error on the client side in the dbg.txt file:

disconnected at C:\p4\EverQuest\live\EverQuest\EverQuest.cpp:19073 (char. select) DisconnectReasonOtherSideTerminated,DisconnectReas onNone

After looking at both the item table and the books table and not finding a problem I started trying different combinations. I could open any two and see gibberish (because my gnoll language level was 1) and would crash opening a third one, it didn't matter what order. When I changed my characters skill level for gnoll (lang 15) to 100 the crashes stopped. I could open the notes as many times as I tried without a crash.
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