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Old 11-08-2021, 06:31 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Tacoma, WA
Posts: 225
Default Server Shows Available, but Client won't connect?

I've been running a server for years. Everything has been working blissfully until a couple weeks ago. Major power outage in my area. The UPS is big enough to handle 2 days, but the outage was longer. Anyway, I shut down the server. I started the server back up today and after starting up everything, checking the IP and making sure all the details like port forwarding were still set correctly, logged in with one of my clients. I could get to the server screen and see my server there, but the client fails when trying to start akka's launcher status shows all is good. I even tried launching things manually, (the old way using tmux, with separate shells for each process), and on World, seems to keep repeating:

"Connected to Legacy Loginserver: []"

It does this every time a login attempt occurs, and no attempts from any of my client machines works. No changes occurred to any client software. All are using EQ Underfoot that with all the correct missing files added. These client instances have been working for years, so I know it's not the clients.

Has something been done to the login server recently that requires updates before anything previously working will work again?

I have other games on different vm's on this server. I can connect to the other games via very similar server builds (debian, mariadb, etc... ) and they work perfectly. It's just EQEMU server.

Last edited by Riklin; 11-08-2021 at 06:36 PM.. Reason: Added additional information
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