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Old 01-06-2022, 04:27 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,072

You know its been countless dozens of times that you've gone off on ridiculous garbage that wastes everyone time.

The only person who has continuously been petty is you. No one else who actually wants to be here and is getting things done for the community with their free time gives a shit about the drama.


You do not look like a bigger person for releasing "hacks" that can be easily mitigated with any ounce of brain cells. The amount of drama that you have brought up about anti-cheat and hacks is so not worth the hill to die on. In fact this post only makes you look bad and no one cares.

You shit all over everyone in the community and then are surprised why people react the way that they do and it's always everyone else's fault.

Given Countless Chances

You do nothing to actually contribute and make people better, you only care about yourself and pretend to care when its convenient for you and gives you the capital to be an asshole to others.

I've unbanned you twice, given you the benefit of the doubt countless times and way beyond what most people agree with.

I gave you a developer title after you begged for it and did barely anything to deserve it and continued to use it as a way to manipulate situations in your favor.

All you had to do was be a civil member of the community, not call people names, treat people with respect, contribute 1 line a code in a year and everyone would care no different.

If you just spent all the energy that you spend riding up everyone's asses in DM's and getting everyone wriled up in drama and channeled that into productive and positive means, you would be capable of so much more and just throw your talent and potential away.

Disparaging Other People

A lot of people have put an insane amount of time in this project that you disparage and shit all over and have zero respect for. It makes zero sense as to why you even want to be in it if you are so unhappy being here, this is more of a you issue.

Yet, you "behave" for a period of time and we're supposed to remember that over the abhorrent toxic garbage you spew and the shit that you do to people to discourage anyone from ever wanting to be in the community.

You've been given insane amounts of chances and leniency and continue to be an asshole to everyone. Create endless amounts of unnecessary drama. This is YOUR problem, not others.

Leave if it Makes you Miserable

If everything is so terrible, leave, it's simple. Create your own island if you want. Create your own "emulator" based off of the work of everyone else and feel free to take credit for it.

Every action you take just like the one in the thread only shows people who you are and does not justify anything.

There's been countless other times where you've gone off on tirades and I've still given you the benefit of the doubt hoping that you would turn around and you continue to hurt yourself.

No one else is spewing the garbage that comes out of your mouth besides YOU.

"Why is Everyone So Upset?"

People react abrasively to you because YOU are incredibly abrasive to them and others. Peoples perception is reality and if you want to understand why people are upset then maybe you should spend some time leveling with them instead of choosing the routes you've taken. You are an adult and that shouldn't need to be spelled out for you.

The same reason why I have not made a post now or anytime in the past year is because you are uncapable of understanding your own behavior and none of this is going to make any difference.

If people really need to know or are confused why you are "being treated this way" maybe they can start by seeing how you've treated others. I compiled a little collage last summer that contains only a fraction of the garbage - hoping that I'd never have to actually use it and you'd actually turn around. Sadly that never happened.

Also, I had to add bold headers otherwise you would get so excited reading this post you couldn't get through reading a few sentences without raging and throwing a tantrum and composing yourself, just like, every, other, time.

When you decide to go on a post rage, you will only be proving everything said above. I never wanted to "remove" you from the community, you have removed yourself all by yourself.

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