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Old 07-10-2022, 11:14 AM
Secrets's Avatar
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Sounds pretty awful personally, not gonna lie. I think permadeath is a very punishing ruleset.
This (and a lot of similar ruleset ideas) sound like it'd be better as an opt-in flag per player on an established server, as opposed to the idea of this as an entire server.
There's precedent that people want individual rulesets for themselves, but would not play on an entire server dedicated to their playstyle.

Years ago, we assumed rulesets had to be applied to everyone. This would just result in maybe 2 or 3 players playing by that ruleset.
For instance, No external buffs, No grouping, Solo Self Found / Group Solo Self Found, Permadeath, Expansion restrictions, etc - these could all be individual rules that are imposed on the self as opposed to on the entire server.
In some cases where actual drops or loot are adjusted, or the rule needs to be consistent for everyone (ie; 1box) sure, that may be acceptable.

But I don't think generally any players would be head-over-heels with your idea - maybe a few (ie; 1 or 3), and certainly anyone with the know-how would not take their time to implement this for you - at least not for free.

Here's my advice advice: learn to do your idea yourself, so you can implement that idea yourself for free and without the headache of other people tainting your idea.
Anyone can write 9 paragraphs, but actually implementing an idea in a game takes longer than the 30 minutes you spent typing all of that out. Not to discourage you or anything. I'd actually encourage you to learn and make your idea work.

Rulesets may be a bit different in practice than in words.
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