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Old 08-19-2022, 08:19 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2022
Posts: 7

That's exactly the problem, Jahosphat. Nobody with the newer clients _has_ those files, but the game keeps trying to zone us into them, anyway.

Huppy: Any chance you've got an SQL file that makes those specific changes? I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

But...if I have to, here's the plan. It looks like the zone_points tables that would need to be changed all have references to BOTH zone files, but with the client_version_mask set to 42.... for the OLD one and 0 for the new ones. (except for new zones that zone into other new zones). So basically:

Look up the old target_zone_id and the new one, then:

update 'peq.zone_points' set 'client_version_mask'=<all bits set> where target_zone_id=<new>
update 'peq.zone_points' set 'client_version_mask'=0 where target_zone_id=<old>

repeat for all the zones on your list (maybe not "hateplaneb" twice, though). And get rid of any offending script files? That pretty much the plan?
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