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Old 11-08-2022, 11:10 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 59

I wrote a lua script to scrape drop data from Magelo NPC pages. The output is formatted to be pasted into spreadsheets, where I organize it in a way to try and figure out Sony's item tables and get a better idea of drop rates by comparing drop chances between multiple NPCs. It's also a way to preserve data in case Magelo goes offline.

The script requires some lua libraries to execute. I am using a lua distribution called 'Lua with batteries' from but unfortunately the website in the last few months expired and a domain squatter took it. If you trust me I put it on my Google Drive, but if you don't want to trust me you can try to find the libraries yourself.

I would paste the script in a CODE block here but the forum software is choking on it for some reason. So here's a pastebin link:
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