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Old 10-24-2023, 02:54 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 1
Default client login failed

I installed the latest server for windows on February 11,the server started with login server successfully.The eqemu_config.json loginserver configuration is as follows:

"loginserver2" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "localhost",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"

i can log into the server when using the rof client,but fail when using the sod client.
using the sod client, it is able to list the servers. but when i click to login the server,it stagnates for a long time and then prompts failure, and there's not any error in server console. The console shows
[Login] [Info] New SoD+ client connection from [**.**.**.**:****]
[Login] [Info] Attempting password based login [**] login [local]
[Login] [Info] login [local] user [**] Login succeeded
[Login] [Info] Client authentication response: world_address [] client_address [**.**.**.**]
[Login] [Info] Sending Client Authentication Response ls_account_id [1] ls_name [local] name [**] key [KFYWRAZHBP] ls_admin [0] world_admin [0] ip [**.**.**.**] local [0]
[Login] [Info] Client disconnected from the server, removing client

i've tried to add the "legacy = 1" into the configuretion , it still fails but show the error in the server console as follows:
[Login] [Error] Received User-To-World Response for [1] but could not find the client referenced!

how can i resolve it ,thanks!
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