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Old 05-16-2024, 08:37 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Tacoma, WA
Posts: 225

Still waiting for some help here. The server was created in early 2023 and worked perfectly the first have of the year. I shut it down for 8 months am coming back to it. The server is a custom pc with a 8 core CPU, 32gb of ram, and a raided SSD drive. The server is running Ubuntu server 22.04LTS. The server is just as reliable as it was previously, but this issue is extraordinarily irritating.


You pull a mob, you kill said mob, then immediately open the corpse, see a rare weapon and a piece of defiant armor, but then it immediately dissolves with no way to loot it first. One last thing, there is a new mob back in the exact spawn point where you pulled the first one from. This one is something I have never seen in my last 10+ years of screwing around with EQ emulators...
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