Thread: Issues I have
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Old 02-14-2003, 10:33 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 5
Default Issues I have

OK heres a few things i have noticed, Im sure some of these are known issues but would just like to clarify that that is the case, and if/when they will be fixed or where i can get the fix.

1) Loot is not being dropped from any of the mobs i have killed, Woushi, Trak, Sleeper Warders, NToV Dragons etc etc, is this normal or is my DB not correct ?

2) No wandering spawns at all

3) Cant zone into the following zones :

Sol B
Kael Drakkal

And have severe lag in the following


There may be more but these are the ones off the top of my head

4) I have an issue with characters getting stuck, unaccesable after zoning a few times, i have had no issues with PoM for example but after zoning a few times and then returning i got stuck in the bo with the coords on wall but could no longer use the #zone or #goto commands, the only way i have found around this is by deleting character and starting again.

Think thats it if i notice anymore i'll post again

Hope you can help with some of the issues