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Old 02-24-2004, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 45
Default any idea why this change item happens?

this is the first time noticing this, dont know if it ever happend before

looked at packetcollector window and I had

Change Item: Intricate Wooden Figurine (35015)
Field#4: 20->0

and later I got

Change Item: Intricate Wooden Figurine (35015)
Field#4: 0->20

this is about what happend

I was stuck someplace so had a friend kill me
returned to bind point, was butcherblock at the ldon camp
right clicked the magus to see if anything new to log, it logged
New Item: Broken Vampire Fang (67374)
then said to magus nedaria's landing and was teleported there
then I talked to a friend a bit then went to loot my corpse and I figure that's probably when the first change happend
Change Item: Intricate Wooden Figurine (35015)
Field#4: 20->0
was probably when I saw it on my corpse or when I looted it off
the corpse
then I hung around there for a couple min then went to the magus there and said east commonlands and got sent there
right after zoning in it changed back
Change Item: Intricate Wooden Figurine (35015)
Field#4: 0->20

then I zoned again and it didn't change again

so I dunno if you guys knew this already or if it's anything important, I don't know why an item field would change like that unless that field isn't a hard number and is based off something in the characters profile or something maybe to do with power of the charm?

well thought I'd post it anyway just in case
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