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Old 04-26-2004, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,066

I highly suspect that since SOE's undertaking the big DX9 engine redesign we're gonna have a whole bunch of game-breaking patches over the next several months.

Well, game-breaking for Emu at least, and as an added bonus a handful of game-breaking patches for Live too! :lol:

Anyways, I don't know how much trouble it is for the devs to rework the net code each time they make a patch that breaks our entering the world servers... but if it's a lot of trouble you might wanna consider just biting the bullet and saying ok, for the next month or 2 we're gonna work on moving the project forward and we're not gonna put that on hold 5 days out of every week to scramble and try to fix what Sony broke. If you patch during this time, TOUGH NOOGIES.
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