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Old 08-18-2004, 04:14 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 773

on a more pleasant tone.

I think I have zomething resembling LOS working...
- I can officially walk around crushbone castle and into the little nook in the middle without anything coming out from the inside.
- When I go inside, in close quarters, a few mobs hop through the walls, but they are close enough to almost accept it.
- There are a few mobs stuck rigth now, you have to practically stand on them to get them to attack you.

I am accomplishing this with, what I think is a much more accurate solution, checking to see if the ray from the mob to the target intersects anything in the world. This might prove to be too expensive, so we can figure out some approximation. The downfall is that I dont know that it is actually working, no idea how to really 'test' it besides impirical tests like I did.

I would REALLY appriciate input on how the hell I can debug thing thing. It is very difficult to debug because I dont know where my problems lie.
I have 3 very complex pieces of code:
- map reader
- quadtree generation (triangle-cube intersection)
- LOS checker (ray-triangle intersection)

and I dont know which one is broken. I was having map scale problems forever (trying to read from .wld), and because of the errors at really close range, I think there are still some, but I cannot visualize this crap. My mobs that are stuck are seeing some random triangle in very close proximity to them which is not there.
It would be extremely useful if somebody could advise me on how I might try to visualize this crap on the client... any ideas on how I can get it to display SOMETHING.... I was thinking spawned items/people or anything... i just havent figured out what will work (and stay suspended in the air).
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