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Old 09-18-2004, 02:07 AM
KhaN's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: France, Bordeaux.
Posts: 677

Oh well I guess I just have to wait for the mini login update......
Wont happen tomorrow, this LS is the result of Smogo work for "World of Alkora" LS, and he decided to make it public so it would maybe be the start of an opensource LS.

We could spent time like Doodman did to break crypto to release a 5.8/live version of the LS, but we have other priorities on our task list and also because "World of Alkora" use 5.7 client, and we dont intend to be live compatible during the development phase, so i dont think LS live version will be made for the next months, since our first objective for the LS is attained, aka make a LS allowing peoples to login.

We are actually fixing some minor bugs, moving LS to C++. From time to time, new version will be posted, since we really want it to be opensource.

This LS instead EQEmu LS is intend to be opensource, but as its only a small part of the "World of Alkora" project, we cant fully work on it, if any of you made fix, made a live version, i would suggest to post them here, or PM smogo, and it will be added to the next versions.

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