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Old 09-23-2004, 07:05 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 12
Default posting etiquette

I remember when I was new to message boards, and did my first few posts. As someone completely new, I remember there were general things about posting that apply to message boards that I didn't know of...just purely because of my "newbness." I learned general posting etiquette/manners through trial and error pretty much, or learning through mistakes....that got me kicked out of maybe 2 or 3 message board forums.

Fortunately for those of you whom are new to forums or message boards, there is now a flash movie called "posting and you..." and while it was obviously meant for a message board forum on another website, it does cover some general things, quite a few of those things apply to this message board and most of the other forums I visit. I've no idea as to whether or not the "search" mentioned in this applies to this forum or not (I've lost track of how many message board forum places I'm a member of, so it's difficult for me to remember what forums have what).

anyway, onto the movie, here it is for all new people to see:
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