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Old 09-25-2004, 04:39 AM
KhaN's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: France, Bordeaux.
Posts: 677

First of all, is it impossible for a private server to accommodate hundreds of people, because a personal computer doesn't have enough power?
Many private servers run from personnal computers, making it difficult when its needed to host more than 25 players playing at the same time, but there are a few servers running on profesionnal hardware, its the case of servers like Winter Roar, Scorpius2k, able to handle hundreds of players.

Second of all, is the issue about power or is it just that not very many people know about EQemu, or want to play on it?
I would say all of threes, few servers run on profesionnal hardware, fewer of them have a dedicaced team, and least important, there are not "Super" Servers on EQEmu, that would act like a players magnet, and would increase the EQEmu PR toward the MMORPG community.

One important aspect of EQEmu that many does not see, or simply forgot, is EQEmu Team is developping and supporting the EverQuest Emulator (EQEmu), but not the servers related to it, there are on EQEmu some servers made by developers, but all the informations related to them are closed, making it difficult to non-developers to build quality servers. EQEmu is an EverQuest Emulator, not a network/community of Emulated EverQuest servers.

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