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Old 10-03-2004, 02:15 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Chambersburg, PA
Posts: 469

Originally Posted by KhaN
This make now a long time im thinking as WindCatcher, aka, EQEmu freedom key is OpenEQ, with this post, maybe some will understand why moderators are so strick about Warez and Stuff.

As for file format, the file format itself is not really the problem, the contents are, i do not think converting S3D to EQG would be a way to prevent any attacks from SOE, because if you do this, you will modify SOE contents (while before, we were just using them).

As for UI, best solution is copy the EQ UI, using XML files. Redoing an XML UI with custom XML/TGA is very easy. Plus user would be allowed to use the already made UI for EQ (There is no need to reinvent the wheel).

But all those questions are minor, the major question is, what EQEmu really want ? Continu to emulate EQ, using/copying EQ protocol, UI, EQClient, ...) or simply take EQEmu out of EQ and work on something that maybe in some months, would allow EQEmu to be totally free from SOE ?

I personally always have been for the second solution, and my project (World of Alkora), is based on this idea, but now, it look like EQEmu Devs always have been for the first solution. Personally, i always found all those questions about legality totally useless, everyone here know that even, in some parts what eqemu is doing is legal, its totally immoral. Now, 2 solutions, or you act, or you shuddap and take risks.
I agree with you on most points, but...

Doing the UI based on the XML is the simple part... the hard part is coding the widget set itself.

Also, I don't see EQEmu as immoral in the least in all honesty. I think that it's a completely ethical server that people sometimes use for unethical reasons (e.g. just using it so they don't have to pay sony)
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