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Old 10-13-2004, 06:05 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 72

Live is close to live.
this is an emulator community. alot of people here emulate servers and spend alot of time to customize there own games. Alot of, chances os somone emulating somthing that works great if not better, identical to a less pricy than hosting options, would play on live even with knowledge of running.coding a server of there own.
Sorry bro, not likely there ever will be a server like the onbe your looking for, and I am so very sure that if you tried or read up on some of the server theology here, and what the creative minds of this community have developed you would spit in the face of the S.O.E power man a.holes you so consider idealist.

omg, im sorry, i didnt get my nap today... Everquest Live's Content is like the stories from a dementiated 8yr old. no offence if one exist, then again how would you know. Here are real people with real knowledge, and story creating creativity, no recycles, no pointless storyline defacing content, and no over abusive 12yr olds with the exception of myself.
GET OFF LIVE... IT SUCKS... worst of all it takes the lives of many to figure out, hey I dont play this game for the crappy content, I play it cause I havent worked in 4 years, dont have any friends outside my apartment, and totally given up hope on getting laid.
Now I ask you a question VilyaNare...
When was the last time you.............
forget it!!! and forget everything you know about the unfathomed everquest storyline.

somtimes mattmeck gets sick of typing everything he is thinking...
Was I close Matt?
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