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Old 10-14-2004, 03:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 72

sony would have to prove you used there source. blizard also has there games set to only work on there networks, blizards deals with people running 3rd party software, hence violating the eula. Show me where sony's source was copied? And it would take soe to publicly display there source to prove otherwise. How many software companies deal with these same issues, how many acually go through with it and then copyright there source, leaving it to public knowledge and public access to view without privilages to use?
Blizzard is a whole different boat, emulation of there software doesnt require you to purchase an account, sony doesnt have keygenerators, doops, and hacks that destroy the integrity of there services. blizzard however does. everytime somone exploits a hack/uses key generators/or doops items it cost blizzard many many dollars to cope with them. They pay people not only to secure there network, but to prevent cheating.
SOE? they dont even have half the training program for CS that bliz does. blizzard also has to protect there client sofware since that is 100% of there revenue, aside promotions on BN. SOE makes chump from sellign there initial software compared to other fees required to play.
And you seriously think soe doesnt know?
tell that to the people that work for there loss prevention. or those that are responsible for initiating the sniffer...
companies making big dollars in services such as EverQuest Live, dont make offensive and very public news about communities that offer the same services for free. We have all seen the digial dilema before, Napster, MS vs Sun, do the research. They know, they probably visit sourceforge more than anybody, and read there press releases about 3rd party software.
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