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Old 10-15-2004, 01:08 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,177

Who paid for the software? Me
Have I changed the structure of the paid for software? No
If I emulate a server on another computer, do I at anytime ever see, or am subject to this EULA? No
You are pulling at hope here, none of this matters. It's exactly the same with, there's not one thing different. Do you think the serverop saw a EULA in the "programmed from the ground up bnetd program", doubt it. lol. You paid for the software but they still own it regardless.

it wouldn't hold up in court. bottomline, you are emulating their server. In order to get ANY of the info required for emulating their game you WOULD need to log in their game therefore viewing their EULA. game over. You could dance all over the subject. (the serverop didnt packetcollect, his buddy did) It makes no difference, he was involved in the project therefore its all connected. If you drive a car for somebody who just robbed a bank do you get in trouble?
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