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Old 10-16-2004, 07:38 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 19
Default Problems in LAN environment

Ok, I've been playing around with this for a few hours and here's what I'm trying to get working now:

I set it up as you said to run the server and the client on the same machine. I put an entry in my accounts table and logged in with that username and password. While it was loading, it created a new record in the account table with the username "®ñÎ?". I got to the character select screen, created a character, and logged in. Everything was working fine.

Next, I moved the programs over to another machine on my network and put holes in my router for the ports needed. I created a second login account in the database for my brother and set the ips in the minilogin_ip field to our current addresses. I logged in to the character I created earlier; the one on the weird "®ñÎ?" account. My brother logged in and got to the same character select screen as me. At this point, if I logged in then as soon as he clicked the "create character" button, I would lock up.

Another thing we noticed, no matter what we type in for username and password, it lets us in and brings us to that one account that it created. It doesn't matter what we type, what's in the database, or what ip addresses are in the minilogin_ip field. We both always end up looking at the same character. I deleted all accounts and started over, and arrived at the same place.

Any ideas?