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Old 10-18-2004, 12:50 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 345
Default 0.6.0dr1 - Items / Inventory issue

Hello there,

Server version: 0.6.0dr1
DB: a fresh 0.6.0 db
Sources: compiled with the Release profile.

I still have the item poof / change slot issue in this version and I don't know what's happening.

When someones loot an item and immediatly equip it, remplacing an item in the same slot, he will loose this item after zoning / camping / ld'ing or the item will change slot.

Example: I kill a mob and loot a cool sword. I equip it, remplacing the old sword I had (I did not unequip the previous sword before equiping the new one), I have like 85% of chance to loose this item and having the old one duplicated (even if it's lore)

Now, i kill the mob and loot the sword that I put in my inventory. I unequip the old sword and put it in a bag. then, I equip the new sword, I have ~20% of chance to loose it or getting the old one duplicated.

And finally, if i do the same thing as above and I #save 5 times, I have ~5-10% of chance to loose it.

As I mentionned earlier on a previous post, I noticed that the inventory table is not immediatly upgraded when someones equips an item but a bit after. It's probably intentionnal to limit the CPU usage wich I understand but if the guy zones seconds after, he can loose the item.

Any idea?
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