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Old 10-19-2004, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by eq_addict_08
Pro-Choice, it is her choice, not yours a-hole.
Pro-Choice: hmm... a choice if another human being lives or dies. Fine, I'd like that choice to pop a cap into anyone I see unfit of sharing my oxygen - starting with everyone who's "Pro-Choice".

Pro-Gay "equal rights" ie if goverment issues marriage certificates, it cannot discriminate. If it only issues something else (and lets churches do marriing) so be it. But has to do it fairly.
Pro-Gay: Well, neither the Gods nor Darwin favor homosexuality. Don't know of too many species that thrived once Adam married Steve. Homosexuality is a state-of-mind, a growing epidemic that either God or natural-selection will eventually exterminate. Why should we foster or encourage it? Let's just proliferate a nuclear arsenal to anyone who wants it - I mean, we're only helping each other reach inevitable doom.

Pro gun rights.
Fair 'nuff. That way I can exercise "Pro-Choice".

Pro Tax Reform to stop exodus of US jobs, importing of overly cheepified goods. (Shut down the Wallmarts of the world)
Wow, where'd you get the degree in macroeconomics? Must've missed that CrackerJack box... Your so-called 'exodus' of US jobs isn't based on taxes. It's founded on our economy's last 20-year ideology: a paradigm shift from manufacturing/agriculture to technology development and production (mainly medicine and electronics). By foregoing industry and farming, we tried to corner the market in the wonderful world of MRI's and semiconductors. But the rest of the world has caught up, and can do it for less since thier's is a culture where quality time is spent at home with the family, and not pursuing the next big-ticket purchase for the home or driveway. Want to keep jobs in the US? Re-shift our focus to something the rest of the world can't do for less. <Lots of great ideas out there, from focus on small buisness to mass production of a petroleum energy substitute>

Pro welfare reform, BOTH individual AND corporate welfare.
Excellent idea! Wow, something I wish one of our several think-tank genius' who quietly boast an IQ greater than your Social Security Number had thought of... And what is your specific plan?

Pro tighter border control. Have our millitary patrol there, not fricken BFE. And 86 ALL illegals, even senator soandso's cook...
Have you served in the military? We're stretched so thin as it is - I'd hate to have to be called in for another expeditionary rotation away from my family to monitor Florida's southern coastline. Unless your family's name sounds something like "Bear-Claw" or "Stands-with-a-fist", chances are you live in this superpower because an ancestor migrated over with a hope for a better life, or for a taste of that freedom our military is literally dying to give Iraqi's and Afghan's. Who the hell are you to tell someone they can't freely enjoy that simple dream to freely be whatever you want? And I'm proud to have served in "BFE" - because there we're treated like both tyrants and kings. Those good people were grateful, more than the common American I pass on the street here, for the Coalition blood that quenched thier burning sands.

edit- on this last one, I think it is a crock o shite when people claim we need to let illegals mantain their status because they do jobs "normal" American won't do. NO... They are just willing to do a job that an american won't for the wage that is paid. Get rid of illegals, and wages will have to increase to get people to do those jobs. Law of supply and demand has been broken by business, people demand higher wages, so business supplies illegals to do it for less..
Scripture, that is. Inspired holy writ! Amen! You're darn right - why should I have to go sweat in a tomato field for 12 hours at $2/hr when welfare pays over $40k/year? "Supply and Demand"? Think about what would happen to supply and demand of US agricultural products if farmers had to pay more than quadruple what they do now to have someone pick/sort/inspect thier produce? Would right-minded "normal" Americans pay $5 for a US apple, when China imports 'em for under a nickle? Go back to your Tax Reform ideology. We deserve our immigrants, and they deserve a chance to become American.

this is a start, but sure to think of more...
Oh, please - don't. Stick with EQ economics and politics and let's leave the real world to the real smarties who know a heck alot more than me and you and have access to endless sources of information that we don't even know exist -

I like the Matrix.
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