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Old 10-20-2004, 07:13 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,177

(How many gay animals have you seen?)
i seriously can't beleive you used this as part of your arguement. I have a gay dog and i've known many other people with gay animals. You are seriously grasping now. Come on man, give us a break. You don't think gay marriages are right and thats your only reason, they are wrong bad, ok. whatever. Quit trying to pretend there's an actual reason besides "Jesus says its wrong".

You've never seen a dog that constantly tries to hump another male dog? get out more. it happens a lot. They aren't raised to beleive that being gay is bad, so it happens naturally. yes NATURALLY. So there goes the society created it theory and the "it's a choice" theory as well.
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