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Old 10-02-2008, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 50

Working with Trev on this,

We have as system set up atm that if an event is engaged, we do a zone wide depop of all trash mobs using quest::depopall(npcid) for each trash, then pop some KOS guard mobs in specific locations so people can't just run around the zone with a few others things built in to avoid abuse. When event is over zone repops all the trash with quest. This works fine. But obviously the flaws are there which is it really affects any other group in the zone forcing a 8-10 minutes of down time. Plus if you want to do an event with smaller force it could take even longer, and then if your moving from event to event quickly you could basically have the zone locked up for a while making it unplayable by others. Is that worth it so everyone doesn't have a 70% chance to lock up/crash when fighting the event, probably but its not the ideal solution.

There are other ways around it which are better, but just require more advanced planning and coding useing standard scripts, set up certain areas of the zone with only certain NPCid's then have quest mobs spawn and check aggro if any players are in that area and if its clear then depop it, otherwise leave it up and hope by the time they are done in the area the event is over.

But really all these solutions are cumbersome and were praying we can get something more solid.
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