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Old 07-23-2016, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 279

I noticed when using GetNPCTypeID in my global_npc that it wasn't scaling repops.. I've changed it to work by entity ID and it is now scaling repops properly.. but after a slight delay.

Under EVENT_SIGNAL in Zonecontroller I've added the following debug:
quest::gmsay("got signal from " . $entity_list->GetNPCByID($signal)->GetCleanName() . "(scaled: " . $entity_list->GetNPCByID($signal)->GetEntityVariable("Scaled") . ") : $signal");
I noticed that whenever I enter a zone my ZC is getting SPAMMED with signals that from what I see he shouldn't be getting (scaled entity variable = 1 but npcs are randomly sending signals, they aren't even spawning while they do this) see here:

After about 5 minutes or so (depending on how many mobs are in the zone) this spam will stop. This script was working 2 years ago so I'm wondering if there have been any source changes that have affected this system.
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