Thread: Highpass Zone?
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Old 07-20-2019, 07:42 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 126

Not overly sure.

You could start by checking if your zone_points show into 407.

INSERT INTO `zone_points` (`id`, `zone`, `version`, `number`, `y`, `x`, `z`, `heading`, `target_y`, `target_x`, `target_z`, `target_heading`, `zoneinst`, `target_zone_id`, `target_instance`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`) VALUES (1568, 'moors', 0, 20, -1580, -360, 121, 0, 1050, -203, -191, 188, 0, 407, 0, 0, 4294967295);
INSERT INTO `zone_points` (`id`, `zone`, `version`, `number`, `y`, `x`, `z`, `heading`, `target_y`, `target_x`, `target_z`, `target_heading`, `zoneinst`, `target_zone_id`, `target_instance`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`) VALUES (1701, 'eastkarana', 0, 3, -3088, -8339, 693, 0, 1261, 65, -195, 128, 0, 407, 0, 0, 4294967292);
INSERT INTO `zone_points` (`id`, `zone`, `version`, `number`, `y`, `x`, `z`, `heading`, `target_y`, `target_x`, `target_z`, `target_heading`, `zoneinst`, `target_zone_id`, `target_instance`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`) VALUES (1702, 'highkeep', 0, 1, 63, 105, 3.75, 0, -64, -311, -22, 141, 0, 407, 0, 0, 4294967292);
INSERT INTO `zone_points` (`id`, `zone`, `version`, `number`, `y`, `x`, `z`, `heading`, `target_y`, `target_x`, `target_z`, `target_heading`, `zoneinst`, `target_zone_id`, `target_instance`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`) VALUES (1703, 'highkeep', 0, 2, -90, 105, 3.75, 0, -156, -350, -22, 16, 0, 407, 0, 0, 4294967292);
INSERT INTO `zone_points` (`id`, `zone`, `version`, `number`, `y`, `x`, `z`, `heading`, `target_y`, `target_x`, `target_z`, `target_heading`, `zoneinst`, `target_zone_id`, `target_instance`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`) VALUES (1704, 'kithicor', 0, 1, 560, 4890, 693, 0, -1186, 70, -62, 478, 0, 407, 0, 0, 4294967292);
INSERT INTO `zone_points` (`id`, `zone`, `version`, `number`, `y`, `x`, `z`, `heading`, `target_y`, `target_x`, `target_z`, `target_heading`, `zoneinst`, `target_zone_id`, `target_instance`, `buffer`, `client_version_mask`) VALUES (1726, 'oldkithicor', 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1361, 198, -110, 290, 0, 407, 0, 0, 4294967295);
I copied mine as a SQL insert (don't need to query them, but you can read the end and compare (I sorted by target_zone_id and looked for 407).

Outside of that I am guessing your clients have the old highpass maps since a lot of the servers that come up have been utilizing it. (Would need to find the files for the new highpass.

My new highpass client has:
  • highpass_chr.s3d
  • highpass_sndbnk.eff
  • highpass_sounds.eff
  • highpasshold.emt
  • highpasshold.eqg
  • highpasshold.mp3
  • highpasshold.zon
  • highpasshold_chr.txt
  • highpasshold_EnvironmentEmitters.txt

My old highpass client has:
My new highpass client has:
  • highpass_chr.s3d
  • highpass_sndbnk.eff
  • highpass_sounds.eff
  • highpasshold.emt
  • highpasshold.mp3
  • highpasshold.zon
  • highpasshold_chr.txt
  • highpasshold_EnvironmentEmitters.txt

No: highpasshold.eqg
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