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Old 02-26-2018, 05:55 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 4

Maybe it is networking that is the issue. The initial connection seems to work and login server reports the connection and presents the server list, just the handover to whatever happens when you hit "Play Everquest" that seems to be the stumbling block.

I nabbed the Azure config from the Wiki ( assuming that it's still accurate.

I've left most settings pretty relaxed for testing, not restricting incoming connections to any particular IP range or anything.

Azure NSG settings:

Name                     : EQEMU
Protocol                 : UDP
SourcePortRange          : *
DestinationPortRange     : 5998,5999,9000,9001,7000-7100
SourceAddressPrefix      : *
DestinationAddressPrefix : *
Access                   : Allow
Direction                : Inbound
Windows Firewall settings:

DisplayName                             Enabled Direction Action
-----------                             ------- --------- ------
EQEmu Loginserver (SOD+) (5999) TCP        True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu Loginserver (SOD+) (5999) UDP        True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu Loginserver (Titanium) (5998) TCP    True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu Loginserver (Titanium) (5998) UDP    True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu World (9000) TCP                     True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu World (9000) UDP                     True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu World (9001) TCP                     True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu World (9001) UDP                     True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu Zones (7000-7500) TCP                True   Inbound  Allow
EQEmu Zones (7000-7500) UDP                True   Inbound  Allow
Any other suggestions? Would love to crack this as it seems like it should be possible!
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