Thread: Controls issue
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Old 06-26-2017, 02:50 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 4
Default Controls issue

I having trouble with swimming, exiting the water. As ridiculous and as frustrating as it's been to be stuck in the water for at least 20 minutes unable to find a way out, could someone tell me how or why I can't climb out of the water with a 3 inch high bank?

I fell into the water right at the start in Safehaven (ironic?). I was in the cave and the only way out seemed to have been exit the back near the house with all the trainers and water all around. So there are places all around the house with a minor bank/edge with no way out. To make matters worst and more frustrating being up against the bank and trying to hit space seems to lock up the toon. In the sense I almost completely frozen barely able to move/swin. Forcing me to use Duck, then stand (in the water) before normal movement can resume. I've done my best to look for control settings in the Options menu, no luck.

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