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Old 10-05-2008, 11:15 PM
trevius's Avatar
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r = 10 (the total count of items in the table for this example)
totalchance = 100 (the total of the percentages in the table for this example 10 items each with 10% chance to drop)
thischance = 10 (the chance this particular item has to drop in this example. They are all set to 10 so it is the same for all)
found = true/false (this is set to true once an item is "found" to be the drop when running the while loop)

The While Loop:
k = random integer between 0 and 9 (10 - 1) in this example. This is randomed for the total number of items in the table

thischance = the drop chance % of the randomly selected item from the table
drop_chance = random percentage from the totalchance (100 in this case)

If drop_chance < thischance, it will drop this item

So, it should be randomly selecting an item from the list. Then it should be picking a random number from 1 to 100 in this case. And if the random number is less than the percentage drop rate on the particular item, it should be dropping that item.

That is, if I am understanding this correctly. That does sound about right, but judging by what other players and myself have seen, it seems like the system still isn't exacly as random as it should be. I am still checking into it to see if I can figure out if there is a reason for it, or if I have just had some really insane odds in some cases. I apologise if I am making an ordeal out of something that isn't an issue. But, if there was an issue, it would definitely be worth correcting considering that a large portion of the game is based on loot
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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