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Old 10-29-2010, 06:39 PM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 654

I think I have figured out why I was getting massive exp loss on death. I always thought exp loss on death was just a varied percentage being taken away from the players current exp. I assumed that was the case which is a noob mistake. I should know better than to assume anything like that.

Yesterday I started looking for the code that controls death and exp loss and well I found it. There is a large modifier in that formula just as there was in exp gain. So I decreased the modifier by the same factor I used in the exp formula. Then I repeatedly killed a level 85 character as a test, the character only lost about 10% exp on each death instead of 7 levels per. Gonna test this some more but it is looking pretty good so far. I also changed the code for death by sacrifice that necros love using.

Are there any other death tricks in the code that I should look for?
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