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Old 04-28-2018, 03:01 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 23


What reasonable benefit could be achieved by expending the large effort it would take to move this to a micro service based architecture? There needs to be more benefit than "monolith bad ook ook microservice good ook ook".

Re using RDS from AWS - why do you think you can't do that? I mean, sure - its probably a bad idea since it moves the database further away from the application that needs it and thus brings in round trip latency issues for _literally_ no benefit, but sure - you could do it. Better you than me.

Kafka - Are you even listening to yourself? What benefit do you think you would receive by re-architecting a known good working product to include, for some unknown reason, queues... and then pushing these queues to a third party service provider bringing in additional lag.

You asked for thoughts so here are mine:

* This is a worthless discussion - you have decided that you want microservices without determining if there is a problem in the existing code space that is not well served by its existing architecture and would be better served by stopping all new development instead to shoe horn in technology that is unnecessary.
* Suppose you succeed and now there is a VM Image on Azure/AWS that you can use to spin up "RandomKakfaServer04" - this would be taken down immediately by the providers in question.
* Stop thinking about the cool new technology and how bad monoliths are (because - most of the time - they are not) and instead try to figure out what some of the hard problems are. Spend your time, then, finding a solution to a hard problem that has no solution or a bad solution. If that necessitates bringing in different architecture then sure... but why, for gods sake, would you start this in the opposite direction?
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