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Old 01-16-2010, 04:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 512

Wildcard, here is some spell work I did while working on my healing fixes.. I'm going off of Congdar's bot_spells.xls that I downloaded in April last year, so I'm not sure if it's the latest version or not. This should get bots up through 70. If we need post 70, let me know and I can pull all of them together. I can take a look at other classes, but I mostly played a Magician and Paladin, so some classes I may not be too familiar with.

First, I set max level for superior healing so it can be cast instead of CH until next healing spell at 53, as well as a priority fix for chloroblast (I'm not sure if you even use the priority anymore - I had changed my priorities to distinguish between fast heals, complete heals, group heals, etc..) I also increase the max level for Choloroblast so it can work alongside Kragg's Mending (% heal) until the Shaman gets Tnarg's Mending. I like your way of distinguishing between types of healing spells better of course Regular heals will be inserted with a priority of 2.

Then, insert the new spells

UPDATE npc_spells_entries SET maxlevel = 52 WHERE spellid = 9 AND npc_spells_id = 701; -- Cleric (Superior Healing)
UPDATE npc_spells_entries SET priority = 2 WHERE npc_spells_id = 706 AND spellid = 1290; -- Shaman (Chloroblast was priority 3? Should have been 2)
UPDATE npc_spells_entries SET maxlevel = 61 WHERE spellid = 1290 AND npc_spells_id = 706; -- Shaman (Chloroblast)

INSERT INTO npc_spells_entries (npc_spells_id, spellid, type, minlevel, maxlevel, priority) VALUES
-- Fast heals to be used when very low on HP... - Cleric
(701, 1518, 2, 51, 60, 2), -- Remedy
(701, 3465, 2, 61, 65, 2), -- Supernal Remedy
(701, 5251, 2, 66, 255, 2), -- Pious Remedy

-- Regular Heals to be used instead of CHeal in certain situations - Cleric
(701, 1519, 2, 53, 57, 2), -- Divine Light
(701, 2182, 2, 58, 62, 2), -- Ethereal Light
(701, 3480, 2, 63, 64, 2), -- Supernal Light
(701, 4880, 2, 65, 67, 2), -- Holy Light
(701, 5265, 2, 68, 69, 2), -- Pious Light

-- HoT Heals - Shaman
(706, 4899, 2, 65, 69, 1), -- Breath of Trushar
--(706, 3398, 2, 65, 69, 1), -- Quiescence (replaced by Breath of Trushar)
(706, 5416, 2, 70, 255, 1), -- Spiritual Serenity

-- Mini (%) CHeal - Druid
(707, 2179, 2, 58, 63, 2), -- Tunare's Renewal
(707, 3232, 2, 64, 69, 2); -- Karana's Renewal
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