Thread: lag problems
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Old 02-16-2019, 12:16 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Idaho
Posts: 27

Yes. This is different. Server is running on an i5. CPU stays low. Around 6%. The issue with me seems that entity_list.Process() is taking too long. By the time you get through the whole list of clients, the first one is starving for packets. Each client added increases the ms reading reported by EQ (F11 to show it in top left corner)

This same thing will affect all operating systems. Win 10 seems better than server, but is still not working well.

I enabled MySQL logging to disk. Logging was on a secondary SSD drive. MySQL data files on drive C:, server folder on D:. that's how I saw how many times per second the MySQL was being accessed.. Some of it may not take that much time, but all together, it's a DoS bomb for the hard drive even if it's SSD like mine. Turn it on and look at a zone with over 24 or 25 in it, and you'll see what I mean. Look at the times for the first client going through client::save and compare it to the last.
Since I'm logging on a separate hard drive, performance doesn't change when I turn logging on/off.

I recommend you think about dealing with this before you worry about re-send logic.
Correct the issues I'm talking about, and your re-send issues may go away.
Hope this helps.
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