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Old 01-01-2013, 06:10 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Posts: 228

I tried setting some of them to 20 and they only went up to what they had been previously set to (5). Was there something else I had to change, or have I misunderstood something?
If you have AA stacking turned on, you probably need to make sure the sof_max_level is also set correctly. I am guessing that is what is overriding your changes.

It also is not as simple just adding the max level, you will actually need the aaid's for all those levels. Every level needs to have its own unique 'skill_id' even if its not in the table. That is why the 'skill_id' have gaps.

So if you make AA with skill_id 200 have 20 ranks its really 200-220.

It is better to use the AA stacking for making AA's with increased ranks, see examples in the dbase like combat stability ect.

To the other post.

I implemented almost all the 'spell effects' that exist for spells in the spells_us ect. So all spells should work properly at least through underfoot.
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