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Old 02-08-2009, 07:13 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,175

The live client can't handle that type of dynamic animation scheme. It looks up animations by name, where the name means something specific. If you look at the models that come with OpenZone you can see what they are, since my models have to adhere to the same scheme to be able to work with the live client. So for instance, if the client is looking for the "kicking" combat animation, it would always look for the animation named "C01". I believe that it will fall back to a default animation if one can't be found (I think the default combat animation is C05, for instance). You can add more animations (for instance I've added a T10 to some player models), but the live client would never use them. Anything beyond the normal scheme would have to be for use by another client. For a few weeks I've been trying to design in my head a way for cloaks to be visible when worn, for instance, and have the player animations support them, but if I implement it only SimpleClient would be able to use it (and to not put too fine a point on it, I would have to make sure to not export the cloak meshes when exporting for the live client).
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