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Old 10-02-2016, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 70

Yeah. But as nearly as I can tell the big thing is that no server will have the population necessary to have it just like the old days. (P1999 is what it is. Don't think a critical mass of people are left who are looking for that to have it work twice.)

So it is absolutely essential that whatever your angle on a server, you have to face the fact that people are pretty much going to have to play solo for most of their play experience.

You may think otherwise, but I take it for a fact of life. So the most important question is what is the individual server's approach to this? Boxing? Bots? Rule adjustments?

People will group up to raid (and raids have to somehow account for reduced population), or just to help someone out. But the way people's real lives are now, you aren't finding someone playing EMU 50 hours a week.

You are camping your own FBSS and whatnot. And that's just not possible for some of these classes when it is appropriate to want that piece of gear.
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