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Old 10-29-2008, 02:08 AM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,032
Default Weather Harshnes?

If you guys remember some of the zones on LIVE had far worse weather than the other zones.

For exmaple while it could rain in both BlackBurrow and West Karana - but in WK the rains would go non stop for DAYS!

Snow storm wise- Iceclad while could have snowstorm very rarely seen one, but EverFrost had A LOT of snow storms.

Is there a way to control this on Emu?
I examined zones table and I see that I can set weather betwin none, rain and snow, but I don't think it is posible to set the kind of diffirences as I described above

Also on live you could notice how weather could chain from light rain/snow to a VERy strong rain/snow and visibility would drop accordingly.

I think this could a worthy thing to consider

PS. How come SOE never made sand stoms in desert areas? DOn't you think that would be appropriate?
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