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Old 08-20-2022, 02:26 AM
Huppy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ckempke View Post

Look up the old target_zone_id and the new one, then:

update 'peq.zone_points' set 'client_version_mask'=<all bits set> where target_zone_id=<new>
update 'peq.zone_points' set 'client_version_mask'=0 where target_zone_id=<old>

get rid of any offending script files? That pretty much the plan?
Forgot to mention something. client_version_mask can be set to 4294967295 for all zone_points and doors. That is the bitmask that allows all client versions.

UPDATE zone_points SET client_version_mask = 4294967295;
UPDATE doors SET client_version_mask = 4294967295;
Also, some of the scripts in the newer versions of zones (in server quests folder), in the zone/ (or player.lua) there is an enter_zone event that will kick you out to the older version.
Example: in quests/commonlands/player.lua as soon as one zones in the script sends you to ecommons. You can edit/delete/disable that crap if you don't want it.

function event_enter_zone(e)
  local client = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientByID(e.self:GetID());
  client:MovePC(22, -144, -1543, 2, 244); -- Zone: ecommons
Many things were put in place to somewhat cater to both older clients, like Titanium and newer clients, like Rof2. This is why you will see 2 different entries with the same zone name (like nektulos). One is for the older clients and one for the newer.

In another scenario, the Guild Lobby and Guild Hall. If a Titanium client and RoF2 client were to zone in at the same time, they would both be in a different version of the zone and wouldn't see each other. The newer version of the Lobby is instanced. Some things, the Emu/PEQ teams can't do anything about, because things are hard coded into the client. So if everyone was using the same client, it would make things a lot easier.

There are many zones in further/newer expansions (like HoT), that are in the database, and if your client has the zone files, you can #zone into them. But content is not completed, because the project hasn't got that far to work on it. (They are working on DoN right now.)
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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